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"I am that I am."

Chrissy Ferguson, Owner/Founder

"Rainbows exist where light shines through the dark rains and show us bands of individual colors harmoniously working together, a band of beauty, much like our own human experience, that simply would not exist without the light and dark working together for the greater good." - Chrissy Ferguson

If I were to ask you to make a list of everything you loved in the universe, how long would it take you to list yourself? 

When I read a similar question years ago, I felt discouraged when I realized I probably wouldn’t list myself.  I was merely existing in a redonculously overworked, stressed state all the time in an unfulfilling corporate job, and I just wanted to feel good about something.  I NEEDED to find that passionate spark and feel good. I was tired of feeling drained and doing things I thought I was supposed to do.

It was autumn of 2011. I had barely been married a year, had a Business Administrator role in HR at the world’s largest tech company and building my own photography side business  (IridescentMoment was 3 years old at the time), when I was diagnosed at 35 years old with Stage 2A breast cancer. I was so busy, I barely had time to breathe, let alone put any energy or time into my creative outlet of Photography. 


I was more afraid of having to inconvenience my employer with my 6 week absence and put my photography work on hold, than I was of the cancer that was serendipitously detected early. 


When recovering from the unilateral mastectomy and experiencing the fight after the fight, stumbling through darkness to figure out my new normal, I read that question about listing things I loved and I wasn’t on my list. I knew instantly that would have to change and I was willingly catapulted into a self-lead, ongoing healing journey to find courage for my heart, mind, and soul. 


I found I was deeply passionate about creative pursuits and found joy in doing more art, working with and being in nature.  I read countless books, attended numerous lectures in person and online, went through 2+ years of therapy, found myself drawn to working with crystals, ditching harmful chemicals, and constantly asking myself if there was a better way of doing this thing called life.  I needed more courage to make it happen for ME. 

I found I wasn't finding the right kind of support for ME, and felt very called on a soul level, to design and handcraft more of my own healing and creative arts offerings, such tapping into my ancient knowledge of crystal healing,  that would support the work I was doing to build my own courage, that continue to evolve into what is the offerings available to you here, today! 


Through commitment to continuing to do the healing and personal growth work on my own wellbeing and working with a variety of tools and services,  I had the courage to make different choices that actually felt good, my courage began to catch up with my passions, and I've never looked back!  It’s not a quick, easy fix; it’s sitting with your shadow self, honoring your personal journey, and making different choices.


Through riding the waves of my own ongoing, self-love transformation, I grew to love myself unconditionally & IridescentMoment has grown into the tools + services available to you today.  All my available offerings are designed and handcrafted by me, filled with healing energy as well as the intention of helping you become unstoppable. 


As you go through life, you will discover new passions and need to set new intentions to help your courage catch up to your NEW passions, and I'm honored to see you there, for ALL your life's journeys. Check out my offerings today!

Intentionally handcrafting with your optimum wellbeing in mind, I am delighted and honored to be of service. Let's become unstoppable! 

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